Use our API to get the latest currency exchange rates for today.
Our API is free and can be used for purposes that do not violate the terms of use of the Rates service.
Using parsers and grabbers to obtain currency exchange rates is prohibited. Only the official API for obtaining currency exchange rates is allowed.
When using information obtained from our API, the user is obligated to place a link to Rates when using currency rates from this resource.
When placing a link to our resource, you can use the following keywords (or similar phrases relevant in this context):
The link should be placed directly next to the data being used and should NOT contain the attributes noopener, noreferrer, and nofollow.
Try to avoid making an excessively large number of requests to the API, as your IP address may be blacklisted.
The recommended timeout for updating currency exchange rates is 5 - 10 seconds.
When using tokens to access the API, the user cannot pass this token to third parties and publicly disclose it, otherwise, the token may be revoked.