Terms of use

User Agreement

This User Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the Agreement) governs the relationship between the owner of https://rates.com.ua (hereinafter referred to as Rates or Administration) on the one hand and the user of the site on the other.

Rate IN UA is a media site.

By using the site, you agree to the terms of this Agreement.

If you do not agree to the terms of this Agreement, do not use the Rates website!

Subject of Agreement

The administration gives the user the right to post the following information on the site:

- Text information

- Audio material

- Video footage

- Photo materials

- Links to materials posted on other sites

Rights and obligations of the parties

The user has the right to:

- search for information on the site

- receive information on the site

- create information for the site

- distribute information on the site

- comment on the content posted on the site

- copy information to other sites with a source

- copy information to other sites with the permission of the Site Administration

- use the site information for personal non-commercial purposes

- use the site information for commercial purposes with the permission of the Administration

Administration has the right:

- at its discretion and the need to create, modify, cancel the rules

- restrict access to any information on the site

- create, modify, delete information

- delete accounts

- refuse registration without explanation

User agrees:

- ensure the accuracy of the information provided

- ensure that personal data are stored against third party access

- to update Personal data provided at registration, if they are changed

- not copy information from other sources

- include information about the author when copying information from other sources

- not to disseminate information aimed at propaganda of war, incitement of national, racial or religious hatred and hatred, as well as other information for which criminal or administrative responsibility is provided

- not disrupt the performance of the site

- not create multiple accounts on the Site if they actually belong to the same person

- do not take actions to mislead other users

- not share your account and / or your account username and password with third parties

- not use scripts (programs) to collect information automatically and / or interact with the Site and its Services

The Administration undertakes:

- maintain the functionality of the site, except when this is not possible for reasons beyond the control of the Administration.

Responsibilities of the Parties

- The administration assumes no responsibility for the services provided by third parties

- in case of force majeure (fighting, emergency, natural disasters, etc.) the Administration does not guarantee the preservation of the information posted by the User, as well as the smooth operation of the information resource

Terms of the Agreement

This Agreement enters into force upon full or partial reprinting of this site.

The Agreement will be terminated when its new version is released.

The Administration reserves the right to unilaterally change the terms of this Agreement at its discretion.

The administration does not notify users about the change in the Agreement.